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Garage Cooling Tips For Summer

Garage Cooling Tips For Summer

Summer is heating up, which means your garage workspace might be too. These high temperatures can make working or spending time in your garage uncomfortable or even impossible. After all, no one likes to feel hot and sweaty when working on a project. Luckily, there...
How To Cool A Garage Gym

How To Cool A Garage Gym

Are you sweating too much in your garage gym? A stuffy garage is the last place you’ll want to work out. If you have a gym set up in your garage, you need to take the right steps to keep it cool during the summer months. Luckily, learning how to cool a garage gym is...
Reflective Garage Door Insulation

Reflective Garage Door Insulation

Dealing with a hot garage during the summer months can be insufferable, especially if you use your garage as a workshop, workout area, or living space. Our GF-14 garage fan and attic cooler is a great first step to keeping the temperature in your garage low. Adding...
Hottest Cities (and Garages) in the U.S.

Hottest Cities (and Garages) in the U.S.

Being the hottest is usually a good thing. But living in the hottest cities in the U.S. can be a challenge to cool down your garage without the right solutions. Summer is coming and we want to keep you cool and hard at work in your garage. Whether your garage serves...