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Hottest Cities (and Garages) in the U.S.

Hottest Cities (and Garages) in the U.S.

Being the hottest is usually a good thing. But living in the hottest cities in the U.S. can be a challenge to cool down your garage without the right solutions. Summer is coming and we want to keep you cool and hard at work in your garage. Whether your garage serves...
Our Guide To Garage Door Insulation

Our Guide To Garage Door Insulation

As homeowners, we are often reminded to insulate the interior of our homes. It is important to insulate the garage too. Garage doors are a weak barrier to outside air temperatures, creating a “hole” in the insulated space. That is why garage door insulation is so...
How To Insulate Your Garage

How To Insulate Your Garage

Is your garage a sweatbox in summer and a cold storage freezer in winter? If the answer is yes, you may want to consider how to insulate your garage to make it a more welcoming environment. Why? Well, if you spend time in your garage working on hobbies or DIY...