I installed the Aluminum Intake Air Vents
along with the GF-14 Garage Fan and I cannot believe the air flow I get here in my Florida Home. The upgrade to the new vents was a great choice. They look great and the air flow through them is amazing. I have gotten inquiries as to where I purchased them from my neighbors and friends. I love the way they bring in extra light and air into the garage also, with or without the fan running. I found that the garage is at least 10/15 degrees cooler now. The attic is surprisingly cooler with the thermostat set at 105 degrees. I have enclosed pictures of the vents installed and air flow, white paper, that is drawn into the garage with fan running. I have gotten more comfortable with the unit running and cycling ,on/off, since the install, quiet and efficient. Great choice for a cooler garage and attic. Thank You again for your help and suggestions for this purchase.
Here are some pictures of the product in action.
If you want to cool your garage call Ray.
I would recommend the GF-14 Garage Fan to anyone in the USA and wants to cool their garage.
Tony C, The Villages, FL.